60 Seconds With… Georgeous & Souldate

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Spanish producer/dj’s Georgeous and Souldate have recently joined forces to create the empowering EP Lobby Boy. With this release set to drop Monday we caught up with the newly formed collaboration for a 60 second catch up…

Hi Georgeous, how are you, where are you right now and what does today have in stall for you?

Well, I’m fine, busy at the moment with several projects in mind aside from producing, that are, managing a club in Madrid called Goya Social Club, Depaart as a label and future projects like festivals, bookings, etc.

Summer has been well and truly left behind, how did you spend the past five or six months and are there any standout memories, maybe from a studio session or gig?

I have been pretty busy with gigs and preparing the club starting season. Gigs in the south of Spain are specially cool and sometimes unreal hehe. In August I had one free week I dedicated to arrange this new Lobby Boy EP, that week I went crazy cause I spent 20 hours at the studio, joining forces to work against the clock with Tony aka Souldate. We just bought the Roland TR8 and were practising all the time.

You recently launched your own imprint of Depaart Records. How would you describe that sound that comes alongside Depaart?

Well, Depaart has been around for 4 years and we have been increasing our scope step by step…Carlos (Moliner) and I release tracks we actually feel interesting and are always searching for a different house and techno sound, no matter about the influences, trends or whatever. Carlos moved to Berlin 2 years ago and we developed some blend of techno and house; sometimes focusing our sound on the dance floor and other times releasing sort of darker cuts.

What do you have lined up in the run up to 2016 for the label, can we expect more from yourself and/or you bringing in some further artists?

It’s some kind of endogamic relationship within the label; we are just planning to release music from Easy Kid, Fran Zaragoza, Souldate, Moliner and me. Both of us are producers/promoters/djs here in Madrid and feel this is some way to truly develop our own sound and project. We also release 2 VVAA in Christmas and summer, adding some local and unknown foreign names to the list.

Do you think the nationality and heritage of producers can be heard within their music, for example do you have a Spanish sound?

Same question I got asked whe touring Mexico 2 years ago…I mean, I won’t said that, don’t think there is a Spanish sound. It used to be a tech-house variant called iberican sound that some dj’s used to describe their tracks around 7 or 10 years ago. But nowadyas I believe the music production techniques are so global that it’s difficult to differentiate music makers…

You teamed up with Souldate for this upcoming EP Lobby Boy. How did this collaboration first come about?

We met some years ago, both were involved in different projects and doing other production works.

Started to talk about working together on our next tunes when realized we had pretty much same likes and lived very close, so rented a studio and start working out.

Looking back to your time in the studio with Souldate, how did you decide who would right what? Or did you just have a jam and the tracks came naturally?

We just get along very well at the studio, pushing on each other. We stay very professional when it comes to get staff done and that’s cool.

We also know our weaknesses and strengths when making a track, that’s also important. Finished the whole EP in one crazy week of studio work in between of all the summer gigs in August. All happened in a natural way, I mean, worked hard to get the sound and spent lots of time with the newcomer TR8 and a Little Phatty I borrowed, so it was kind of a fast project for us.

Easy Kid steps for a remix on the final track, why did you decide to pass controls over to the Easy Kid camp?

The develop a superb personal sound, a blend of deep techno, going really smooth and well produced. They were keen to revise the original and it was certainly a nice movement cause the track is receiving a lot of support, giving coherence to the whole EP.

Is the remix as you expected and would you ever start a collaborative project with Easy Kid?

Sure, I expected a deep techno and melodic cut form Easy Kid and they just made it. Now working with them in other collabs and preparing the launch of their first album, out next year also on Depaart.

What has the reaction been like for the EP, playing it in clubs etc…?

The reaction has been really positive, we are very happy for this. In straight house and techno moods, the track fits the dancefloor with its percussion and bassy sound. Feedback from other producers is nice and getting the support from top media in Spain.

Finally, what is next following the release of Lobby Boy?

Now preparing a more vocal cut with a duo called AMITY, based in the South of Spain, that will be out soon. Also preparing a remix for the Australian label Refuge that will be out last week of January.


‘Lobby Boy’ is out Monday on Depaart.

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