MK Interview

I saw in another interview when you delved into working with huge artists you made the conscious decision to have a split personality so to speak?

It was a decision based on surviving in R&B and dance, the two worlds just would never meet back then, so it turned out to be a great survival tool.

Was that a difficult decision?

It wasn’t that difficult since it seemed to be the ideal solution to being able to be Marc Kinchen in the R&B world and MK in the house and electronic scene. It turned out to be the perfect balance and now thankfully, it does not matter.

I know you big up Kevin Saunderson as big role model, (one of the nicest guys I have met also) Is it cool to see all the old school Detroit guy still rocking the dance floor?

That’s funny, I don’t think of it as “big upping” him, but i am very grateful that i was lucky enough to meet him at a time where he was one of the first “professional and successful” producers to help and support me with what i was trying to do. So any “big upping” so to speak is just me saying thanks and yes, he is definitely one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and he remains one of the innovators of the genre, so you can expect him to continue to rock out.

Tell us about your latest track with Lee Foss and Annabelle Englund, how did you guys hook up?

It was strangely organic, Lee met her and I met her as well but that happened separately and we didn’t know that either one of us had met her. So when Lee told me he met the most fantastic vocalist, I told him so did I….it was Anabel…. small coincidences brought us together.

And with Carl Craig on remix duties, that must have been great to hear the finished product?

OMG, it was so incredible and great, Carl is a longtime friend of mine from Detroit, but he is great mates with Lee Foss and Jamie Jones as well. What a treat to get this incredible gift from him.

The name also has some impact, what was the ethos and inspiration behind the EP?

This is more of a Lee Foss question, he can answer it better than i can, I love the name, he thought of it. It relates to so much that we are about, making music brings us to the pleasure state, we all live in California, which is the quintessential “pleasure state,” there are a few more symbolic innuendos, but let’s catch up with Lee and Anabel and they can enlighten you more.

NYE/NYD will see you back in the UK, tell us about the NYD show in Birmingham?

Should be a wild day, those folks in the midlands know how to have a good party and what a great way to kick off 2015

Whats it like performing in the Midlands?

In some ways it’s like playing in Detroit, people are so into it, a little Detroit a little Brum, throw in some mad Summer memories made and those in the future in hot warm sunny climates…. I love the midlands… now if only i could do that Brummie accent.

And resolutions, have put any place as of yet?

Yes, to finish the MK album, finish the Pleasure State record, get more sleep, and keep it coming from instinct….so many more things swimming in my head, ask me again right about midnight. happy hols. everyone ….looking forward to seeing everyone soon

MK plays Day One Festival on

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