Bicep interview

Bicep have been quiet thus far in the year 2015, being locked away in the studio working on various EP’s and remixes. One of those being the long awaited Aus EP which is ready to drop. Furthermore they will soon play the heavyweight Rainbow Festival alongside Loco Dice, Loafah and Ben Klock. EQTV chat to the duo about their recent developments; the return of the illustrious Feel My Bicep blog and the re-launched podcast series.

Oh and because we are feeling generous, here is a free track giveaway from the guys as well –

I can see that your blog is back in full flow with daily posts, always full of interesting snippets. Was the lack of posting due to how busy you are or were you simply taking a break from it?

To be honest, it was totally down to how busy we were. We were focusing on building up our studio a lot and that took a lot of time and a lot of trial and error. Now we’re really happy with how it runs and the work flow so we’ve a lot more time for the blog again.

When you think of Bicep, you kind of always want to check out the blog as well, did you ever envisage it being so popular or just as a tool to jot down your thoughts?

The blog is really important to us. It gives us a proper voice, away from Facebook and all the social media madness that we now really try and use as little as possible. It was never meant to be anything more than an honest platform for us to share what we’re enjoying and it’s really just the same as it’s always been! We’re back to just ripping records we find and sharing them!

You have also re-launched the podcast series, with Youandewan and Ian Blevins, how is that going down and who can expect in the future?

We’ve got lots of people we’re really excited about, lots of breakthrough producers and producers we’re currently excited by! Ones coming up are Harvey Sutherland, Kicklfip Mike, Jacob Korn, John Daly, Rothmans etc! All really top stuff.

Tell us about your new EP for Aus, you have a great relationship with Will and his team, what’s its like working with those guys?

Will is amazing and a good friend now! He’s super friendly and relaxed but never short of an opinion or some input which is great to work with!

And the EP, what musical journey are you taking us down, is there a specific inspiration for the track?

Well we’ve several new tracks from a vocalist we’ve been working with and some more interlude / beatless type tracks on there too. It’s quite musical this one, as opposed to our last one for AUS which was very techno!

You also have a healthy tour schedule, some highlights for me include the huge Rainbow Festival in April in Birmingham. What are your thoughts on Brum as a city on in terms of its musical background and the amazing events at Rainbows?

Brum is always great to play, garage has always been a big thing there and we always get the chance to dig deep and play a few old gems! Rainbows is a fantastic venue and we’re really excited to be playing there

And being an early festival for you guys will that set you up nicely for festival season in the summer?

Yeap! Summer it looking absolutely hectic as usual!

Do you prefer the festival season as opposed to the more intimate gigs?

They’re both great and in different way. Summer is amazing for seeing lots of friends, playing the big sunny parties, boat parties, terraces, Ibiza, Croatia etc! The music is always more fun and often a lot of travel is involved! Then by the end you’re ready for a slower pace and maybe some more serious, longer sets and to get digging again! I think they work perfectly together and always look forward to both.

Also a huge event for you in London is the show with Robert Hood and Matthew Jonson in May, can you tell us about that and your thoughts on the programming of the line up?

We’ve been massive fans of Robert Hood and Mathew Jonson for years, like since we first got into dance music! It’s a real honour to have them both together on one night! They have both had long, amazing careers and constantly manage to stay fresh and I think it’s going to be a really special night

And finally what else can we expect from Bicep in the coming months and where else can we see you play?

Well, we took off most of January and part of February to do solid studio, we’ve finished a tonne of tracks and some remixes for artists we really admire so that’s all to come out hopefully before summer which is exciting! We also have some special announcements for the summer months so plenty on the horizon this year!

Bicep will play The Rainbow Festival this Easter weekend –

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