Confessions of a label… WetYourSelf









WetYourSelf is a well estabished clubbing institute that has firm graps on the London clubbing circuit. Their weekly Fabric shows lighten up everyones dark and dreary Sundays whilst their imprint has seen the likes of Marc Houle, Chris Leibing, Betoko and more all joining label mates Jacob Husley, Peter Pixel and Cormac within the ranks. Here EQTV catches up with Jacob about his confessions of WYS!

Best label/brand party I have been involved and why is…
We have done many showcases around the world so very hard to pick one in particular, as each country has it’s own special magic. Both Peter and I are from Denmark but have lived in London for more than 15 years now, so we enjoy going back home and play in the best club there called Culture box in Copenhagen, it’s a great venue. We have brought some great guests with us, like Zip, Kink, Chris Liebing and Robag Whurme to mention a few.

The hardest thing about running WYS! is…
Finding enough time to tick all boxes as promoters, bookers, dj’s and producers.

What I look in new music and when I’m A&Ring is…
I look for music that stands out that have a unique identity, and where you can feel the soul of the person who made it.

If I wasn’t running WYS! I would be…
I think I will always be involved in the music industry in some way or another, but other than that I’m very passionate about food, and opened a Japanese restaurant last year, and keen to more more in this industry also.

In 2016 WYS! has/will be doing….
In the next three months we have WYS! Gigs lined up in Pulse, Southampton, D.Edge in Sao Paulo, Club Midi in Romania, Pacha in Barcelona and Culture Box in Copenhagen. We have a digital release coming our from Cormac which has been out on vinyl for the last four months and after that both Peter and myself have EP’s lined up.

WYS stop at Junk Club Southampton next month – /

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