Record Of The Day…Phlegmatic Dogs ‘Keepmastik EP’
We talk with Russian Bass fanatics Phlegmatic Dogs about their latest release on Night Bass. We find out a little about the inspiration behind the EP and its appeal to the fans…
Describe the record in five words.
vibing, housey and old school.
What is it about the record that will appeal to the fans?
We think people can find different styles of basshouse music on this release. We have main track with the same name «Keepmastik» wich will be able to shake your ass on a dancefloor.
How does it differ from your last release?
This one is not so far from our last release «Weegle» but we added some UK stuff this time called «Donut Dope». So we think it could be our white horse… Or poodle if you like.
What was the inspiration for this release?
It was long way to finish this release. We spent more than six month on it. So we dont think about any inspiration, we just work hard. So it goes!
If you had the chance to play this in any club, which would it be?
It sounds better if you will ask not about club but about the party. We consider ourselves to Night Bass family and of course would like to play the tracks at their parties.
Keepmastik EP is out now! Grab it here: