Describe the record in five words. Minimal / World / Classical / Organic / Techno What is it about this record that will appeal to the fans? The record puts classical and contemporary music into a dance spirit and structure. The fact that it’s recorded organically, with absolutely no...
DJ Deep Interview
posted by eqtv
The Red Bull Music Academy has been pairing music legends and emerging beatsmiths since 1998 in cities such as Berlin, Cape Town, Melbourne, Barcelona, São Paulo, London, New York City and Tokyo. This unique combination of old school knowledge and new school sounds is unrivalled for its creative exploration and achievement. Each yearly Academy edition leaves behind structures to encourage musical collaboration and creative exchange for years to come. By the end of 2014, there will be eleven fully equipped Red Bull Studios around the world. Recently the Red Bull brand were on their Road to Paris tour in where they stopped here in Leeds to...
Hotflush – Confessions of a label with Scuba...
posted by eqtv
Scuba will perform at Hotflush present Reflexion with Scuba, Dense & Pika and Function at The Steelyard, London on Saturday 28th March and DGTL Festival Amsterdam on April 4/5th – Scuba and his Hotflush imprint have been an integral cog in the techno empire over the past few years. Drafting in the likes of Dense and Pika, Paul Woolford, George Fitzgerald and Mount Kimbie to his ranks have catapulted his label to the forefront with huge tracks paving the way for new talent to aspire to. Not one to rest on his laurels and often looking for fresh scope within the vast depths of our musical environment, Scuba offers the...
Glass Figure ̵...
posted by eqtv
Describe the record in five words. Contrasted. Grey. Dark. Metallic. Bittersweet What is it about this record that will appeal to the fans? Maybe the melodic side that we always aim for.. And the acid pattern of “Solid State”. Maybe not… How does it differ from your last...
EQTV get Hessled i...
posted by eqtv
Ben UFO Pearson Sound Pangaea Hessle Audio Takeover (All Night Long) at the Wire Club in Leeds Leeds always urges a plethora of excitement within its ranks, especially when and it comes down to its bookings. Wire have always kept their finger on the pulse offering a range...